All of our 500+ projects make us proud.
Some projects make us prouder.
Heres a selection of some of our projects we love the most because of their overall impact on us as Creatives, Story Designers, Entrepreneurs and Human Beings.
Let our prouder projects tell you the story of who we are, how we think & work, what we love, what we have learned und how we can help you with your next projects.
You are not the same person after you finished a project. You meet, connect and engage with new people. Regardless if these encounters are inspiring, friendly, challenging or unfriendly, emotionally challenging, hurtful. You as a person, a creative, a project manager, whatever your role, you will change over the course of the project. Hopefully you learn, reflect, grow, be successful. And if not, if you fail that’s ok too. Growth and evolvement still are happening. Just stay open and curious.
For all our projects we are 100% responsible and in charge of business planning, budgeting, design & creation, copywriting, project management, implementation and always and also collaboration.