
SILENTPARK – Fotokunst Jetzt. Founded and created with a partner. In 2008, we took the „do what you love approach“ serious and decided to invest time and money into our…

SILENTPARK – Fotokunst Jetzt.

Founded and created with a partner. In 2008, we took the „do what you love approach“ serious and decided to invest time and money into our long lasting passion of contemporary photography.

The idea: Create a new form of gallery combining on- and offline showrooms and give young and undiscovered photo art talents access to the mainstream art market by offering the art works in affordable editions. Our goal to create and open numerous ‚real‘ galleries in Berlin, Hamburg, Münster, Munich and eventually Venice, LA.

We really took the art, the artists, the presentation and the intellectual concept of art itself very serious and at the same time forgot about main stream collectors and how simple the basic motivation for buying art in this entry level segment is. Which is something like: „It’s gotta look cool above my sofa and fit the colors of my living room.“

We were able to sign over 30 great artists. However, we could not match enough of the art works with collectors. After 24 month, we decided to call it a day for this venture and said goodbye to our ambitious plan.

SILENTPARK was a sales and financial failure. At the same time, we have learned a lot, created value for our partners, employees and above all made new friends – invaluable.

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